1. Hon. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of Namibia hosted Hon. Dr. Naledi Pandor, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa, for Diplomatic and Political Consultations in Windhoek, Namibia, from 14-15 July 2021.

2. The consultations allowed the Ministers to consult each other and exchange views on a wide range of issues pertaining to the strengthening and consolidation of bilateral relations and cooperation between Namibia and South Africa.

3. The Ministers agreed that the Republic of Namibia would host the 3rd Session of the Namibia-South Africa Bi-National Commission (BNC), on dates to be mutually agreed upon in 2021. In this regard, the Ministers directed their Senior Officials to convene before the end of August 2021, to prepare for the BNC.

4. The two Ministers underscored the importance of holding regular diplomatic and political consultations as an effective mechanism to track progress on the implementation of decisions taken by the BNC, and other bilateral fora.

5. The Ministers commended the efforts by the two Governments to combat the spread of COVID-19, including the rolling out of vaccines to their respective populations. Namibia commended South Africa for leading, together with India at the World Trade Organization (WTO), the initiative to have intellectual property rights waiver on COVID-19 related medicines and vaccines to enable equal and fair access to all countries, rich and poor. Namibia commended South Africa on being chosen to host the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) first Covid-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine technology hub, to scale up production and access to vaccines.

6. The Ministers applauded the excellent cooperation with regard to the facilitation of secure transit and repatriation of stranded citizens through their respective countries, to return home when countries instituted hard-lockdowns to curb the further spread of COVID-19. They further welcomed the continued stance by both countries to keep their common borders open thereby enabling cross border trade and commerce, consistent with their desire to realize closer regional integration and the objectives of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

7. Namibia reiterated her gratitude for the R100 million donation towards her drought relief efforts pledged by the Government of the Republic of South Africa. The Ministers noted the good progress with the roll-out of the donation with the installation of boreholes and the distribution of maize in several regions in Namibia.

8. On regional matters, the meeting exchanged views on issues related to the peace and security situation in the SADC region and commended SADC initiatives to address the challenges in the republic of Mozambique and the Kingdom of eSwatini to ensure lasting peace and security in the region.

9. On Lesotho, Namibia congratulated South Africa for the excellent work as the SADC Facilitator with regard to the security situation in the Kingdom of Lesotho, and the

meeting noted progress made pertaining to political and security reforms being fast-
tracked for completion in October 2021.

10. Namibia expressed concern at the incidences of looting and criminality prevailing in some Provinces of South Africa. Minister Pandor assured Namibia that transport corridors would continue operating uninterrupted to deliver goods and services to Namibia, particularly essential ones needed to fights Covid-19.

11. The Ministers reiterated their constant and unequivocal call for the unconditional removal of all economic sanctions against Zimbabwe. In this connection, they undertook to continue to intensify calls for the removal of sanctions in bilateral and multilateral platforms.

12. The meeting noted with concern that no progress has been made in the full implementation of all relevant UN resolutions on Western Sahara, and the Palestine Question, and called for the intensification of efforts towards the full exercise of the inalienable right to self-determination and national independence of the Saharawi people and the Palestinian people.

13. Minister Dr Pandor commended Namibia for the establishment of the International Women’s Peace Centre (IWPC) aimed at showcasing women as important role players in conflict resolution, peace-keeping and peace-building initiatives. South Africa looks forward to collaborating with Namibia on the key initiative. Similarly, Namibia congratulated South Africa for keeping alive what Gertrude Shope stood for, not only in South Africa, but beyond, and expressed the hope that the IWPC and the Gertrude Shope Annual Dialogue would start to cooperate.

14. Minister Pandor paid a courtesy call on His Excellency, Dr. Hage G Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia, during her visit.

15. Hon. Dr Pandor expressed her sincere appreciation for the fruitful deliberations aimed at strengthening the strong and historic relations based on the spirit of mutual respect, friendship and solidarity.

Windhoek, Namibia, 15 July 2021.

The Diplomatic Informer
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