During the official visit to Kazakhstan, Ms Ndileka Mandela, Founder & CEO of Thembekile Mandela Foundation and Susan Novela, CEO & Publisher of the Diplomatic Informer Magazine SA, had the opportunity to try the ancient music instrument called Dombra.
Dombra is the most well-known kazakh music instrument. According to archeologists’ researches, first dombras appeared about 2000 years ago. Despite this fact, this instrument still popular nowadays. Kazakh musical bands and singers use dombras making covers of famous worldwide top songs and composing their own music.
Usually the body of dombra is made of maple, oak or pine. It has only two catguts. However, dombra is able to convey various moods and make you imagine
Kazakhstan performers make good use of dombras. On YouTube “Made in KZ” channel musicians share their covers and own works.
People in Kazakhstan love and value traditions which includes music as well. Their modern performers do not forget about such instrument as dombra and it blends seamlessly with other musical instruments and even rock music!
We hope you enjoyed reading our post. Please, write in the comments about ethnic musical instruments of your country. Or maybe you play one? Feel free to leave the links to YouTube videos with ethnic music and instrument of your culture!
Photo: Right to left Susan Novela & Ms Ndileka Mandela
By: Calvin Modirapula