8 September 2021
H.E. Mr. Kanat Tumysh, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to South Africa, assumed the office of the Treasurer of the Asia Group.
Kazakh Ambassador took over these responsibilities from the new Dean of the Asia Group, H.E. Mr. Myint Swe, Ambassador of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of South Africa.
Asia Group is a regional diplomatic association of the Heads of Mission of 21 Asia-Pacific countries, accredited to South Africa, as follows:
1. Australia
2. Bangladesh
3. China
5. India
6. Indonesia
7. Iran
8. Japan
9. Kazakhstan
10. Malaysia
11. Myanmar
12. Nepal
13. New Zealand
14. Pakistan
15. The Philippines
16. Republic of Korea
17. Singapore
18. Sri Lanka
19. Thailand
20. Turkey
21. Viet Nam
The Diplomatic Informer Magazine SA wishes the new Dean of the Asia Group, H.E. Mr. Myint Swe, Ambassador of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of South Africa and H.E. Mr. Kanat Tumysh, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to South Africa, the Treasurer of the Asia Group all the best.