Preliminary Results of Legislative Election in Kazakhstan Announced

21 March 2023

Astana – The Central Election Commission (CEC) announced the preliminary results of the March 19 election to the Mazhilis, the lower house of parliament of Kazakhstan. According to the results, six parties received enough votes to pass the required five percent threshold to gain seats in parliament:

Amanat – 53.9% (over 3.4 million votes)

Auyl – 10.9% (693,938 votes)

Respublica – 8.59% (547,154)

Aq Jol – 8.41% (535,139)

People’s Party of Kazakhstan – 6.8% (432,290)

National Social Democratic Party – 5.2% (331,058)

Baytaq – 2.30% (146,431)

3.90% of voters chose the option “against all” – 248,291 votes.

According to the preliminary data, over 6.3 million people voted in the election, a turnout of approximately 54%. Voting took place at 10,233 polling stations across the country, as well as in Kazakhstan’s overseas missions in 62 countries.

The election was monitored by the Central Election Commission and 793 observers from 12 international organizations and 41 countries. Most observers noted the transparency of the election, no irregularities or violations, as well as active and free campaign by candidates. “The increased competition, particularly with self-nominated candidates, is a significant development”, stated observers from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

In line with constitutional changes implemented last year, a proportional-majoritarian model was used in the election for the first time since 2004, where 30 percent of Mazhilis members are elected in single-member districts. There were 281 party list candidates vying for 69 seats and approximately 370 single-mandate candidates (including independent and self-nominated) seeking 29 seats in the lower house.

The constitutional amendments and reforms passed last year have also granted more powers and influence to the Mazhilis and the local government.

The term in office for an elected member of parliament is five years, though the MPs are not prohibited from being re-elected.

This was the ninth legislative election in Kazakhstan since its independence. It marks the final stage in the political renewal cycle in the country, which started with a presidential election last year and a Senate election earlier this year.

The Diplomatic Informer
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