Heads of States from Kenya, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Malawi and the Kingdom Of Lesotho, as well as dignitaries from African Union(AU) Commission, Commonwealth secretariat as well as COMESA, Tanzania, Angola, Ethiopia, Nigeria, DRC, Serbia and the United Kingdom, joined President Edgar Lungu and the people of Zambia at the state funeral of Dr Kenneth Kaunda where the various heads of state and dignitaries paid their last respects to the Founding Father of the Nation.

The state funeral took place under Covid-19 protection protocols. Dr. Kenneth Kaunda died aged 97 on 17 June after a short illness.

Zambian President Edgar Lungu led the procession of leaders from the stands of the Lusaka Show Grounds to a marquee, where Kaunda lay in a coffin.

All the leaders spoke well of the Founding Father, the Icon who helped Africa free itself from colonialism.

“Dr. Kenneth Kaunda was a loyal friend of the people of South Africa. He stood by us during our long and bitter struggle against the oppressive apartheid government,” said President Cyril Ramaphosa.

“Even as the brutal apartheid regime sought to wreak havoc in the frontline states in its efforts to destroy the liberation movement Dr. Kenneth Kaunda stood firm and never wavered in his support for the people of South Africa and the people of our region.

“Zambia provided us with material and moral support and gave refuge to our leaders and those who had been forced into exile from our country”

Dr. Kaunda’s teachings on compassion, empathy and dignity are Africa’s gift to humankind.

The Founding Father of the Nation is expected to be buried at the Presidential burial site in the capital on Wednesday, 7 July.

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