The launch of excecutive MBA program “women leadership in energy sector” at atyrau oil and gas university safi utebayeva, in Kazakhstan.

On 21 Oct 2022, Atyrau oil & gas university in Kazakhstan Launched The Executive MBA program “Women’s Leadership in the Energy Industry” the first of its kind in Central Asia.

The Executive MBA program “Women’s Leadership in the Energy Industry” will help ensure gender balance in Kazakhstan’s energy industry.

In order to implement the instructions of the Head of State, the university pays special attention to the quality of educational programs, taking into account the changing reality and trends in the development of the energy industry. One such trend is the development of women’s potential and the creation of special programs for the training of female leaders.

The Executive MBA program “Women’s Leadership in the Energy Industry” course has been designed to prepare women to become highly professional, proficient managers and business partners who can develop successful
strategies to achieve success in business and life.

The program’s mission is the formation and development of a professional community of successful women who are ready to participate in solving significant social and economic problems within Kazakhstan’s energy industry.

The conventional energy sector, as a predominantly technically oriented branch of industry, is characterised by gender inequalities.

The “Role of Women in Energy, provides an overview of the economic, political and social framework conditions of selected partner countries in Central Asia, which have an impact on the participation of women in the energy sector.

It serves as a basis for intensifying the promotion of women within the framework of energy partnerships and energy dialogues and for further strengthening the role of women in the energy transition and their participation in the energy policy dialogue.

Women are underrepresented in the energy sector, and such program launched by Atyrau Oil and Gas University in Kazakhstan could contribute to the strengthening of the position of women in the energy sector and to promote their participation in social and economic decision-making processes, as well within the regions and beyond.

The Special guest at the Launch was Ms. Ndileka Mandela, the Eldest Grandchild of the late First Democratic President of the Republic of South Africa, President Nelson Mandela.

Ms. Ndileka Mandela, the Founder and CEO of Thembekile Mandela Foundation and Head of the G-Global Representative Office in South Africa, accompanied by Ms. Susan Novela, Executive Board Member and International Coordinator of Thembekile Mandela Foundation, Director of the G-Global Representative Office in South Africa and Founder & CEO of The Diplomatic Informer Magazine, attended the opening ceremony of the Executive MBA program Women Leadership in Energy Sector at the Atyrau Oil and Gas University in Kazakhstan hosted for the first time in Central Asia.

In her remarks Ms. Mandela said as the world grapples to free itself from the grip of global challenges we are guided and reminded of the wise counsel and prophetic words of Nelson Mandela “Freedom cannot be achieved unless women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression. Our endeavors must be about the liberation of the woman, the emancipation of the man and the liberty of the child.” Nelson Mandela

When Nelson Mandela assumed power as President of South Africa in 1994 the number of women in government rapidly rose to 27% compared to 2.7% in 1990 in South Africa and 10% of legislative positions in the world, according to the UN explained Prof. Ndileka Mandela.

As President of South Africa the highest position in South African Parliament was led by a woman, Frene Ginwala, thanks to his advocacy work and his empowerment of women in the African National Congress.
He established Women’s Day on Aug. 9 to celebrate the women who fought to end apartheid and to champion the rights and empowerment of women. He recognized the sterling qualities of women in his statement

“The women were courageous, persistent, enthusiastic, indefatigable and their protest against passes set a standard for anti-government protest that was never equalled,” As the world ushers in a new era it requires these leadership traits and qualities that women possess to create a more equal and just world for all.

Female representation within the energy sector at senior management positions reflect less than 5% of the top positions such as Chairperson of the board, CEO or president are women.

In the Fortune 500 list in the US 15% of the CEOs are women. The companies that boast a higher representation of women on their boards out perform the organisations that don’t by a notable degree.

This is further supported by studies that have outlined that have also outlined that companies with greater gender diversity, not just within their workforce but directly among senior leaders, are significantly more profitable than those without.

This clearly demonstrates that the need for more female leaders has never been more critical. Organisations have a responsibility to create better policies and opportunities for women. Still, at the same time, women also need support to step forward and overcome the barriers holding them back said Ndileka Mandela.

Ndileka Mandela went on to say in many countries, gender inequality has been discussed the most in the light of topics such as women’s health and the development of women’s rights. Discussion of these issues leads to the allocation of grants and loans for women, which allows them to do their own thing. However, access to development in the energy sector is important for women’s development in general. In many developed countries today, women are actively involved in the development of the country, but in Africa, unfortunately not. It is especially difficult for women in rural areas, and this is a very important issue .

We must enable women to participate in all areas of the energy sector. This applies not only to public but also to private companies. It is very important to include women in the entire production cycle, including in new renewable energy projects, said Ndileka Mandela.

The CEO of TCO Kevin Lyon who has over 35 years of work in the oil and gas industry said ” I have noticed changes in the gender policy of companies. Now every fifth worker is a woman. In TCO staff, they make up 35%, and this is much more than it was before”.

Other guests speakers from the industry who spoke about women’s leadership contribution in the industry from big oil organisations were CNPC General Director Wei Yuyxyang, ANPZ LLP General Director Murat Dosmuratov, EmbaMunaigas JSC Deputy General Director Rysty Tasmagambetova, Director for Human Resources and Service Support of the Karachaganak Petroleum Operating Consortium Slushash Izbasarova and NCOC Managing Director Olivier Lazar.

Congratulations to the Atyrau Oil and Gas University on the launch of the new MBA program.

Women in Africa also have the opportunity to apply for the program, feel free to contact: The Thembekile Mandela Foundation or The Diplomatic Informer Magazine SA at

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