20 October 2022
On Arrival at the Atyrau Airport ahead of The opening ceremony of the Executive MBA program in Women Leadership in the Energy Sector at the Atyrau Oil & Gas University in Kazakhstan on 21 Oct 2022
Atyrau Oil & Gas University in Kazakhstan is set to Launch the Executive MBA program in Women Leadership in the Energy Sector on 21 October 2022.
Ms. Ndileka Mandela, eldest Granddaughter of former late President Nelson Mandela will be a special guest speaker at the opening ceremony of the Executive MBA program Women Leadership in Energy Sector at Atyrau Oil & Gas University in Kazakhstan on 21 Oct 2022.
The Atyrau University of Oil and Gas is the only specialized higher educational institution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Oil and Gas profile in the proximity of the largest oil and gas fields in Western Kazakhstan.
The history of the Atyrau University of Oil and Gas dates back to 1959, when an educational and consulting center of the All-Union Correspondence Polytechnic Institute was opened in the city of Guryev (now Atyrau). This marked the beginning of the training of highly qualified oil workers in Kazakhstan.
Atyrau is the leading region in the production of the oil and gas in Kazakhstan
The Diplomatic Informer Magazine will attending the grand opening ceremony of the Executive MBA program in Women Leadership in the Energy Sector at the Atyrau Oil and Gas university in Kazakhstan.