By His Excellency Ambassador Tariq Al-Ansari of the State of Qatar to the Republic of South Africa

The commemoration of the South African Freedom Day on April 27th represents a dawn to a new life of dignity for the whole world.

Freedom day marks the restoration of the South African human right to self-determination in 1994. This ended an era of Africa’s most difficult and longest path to freedom from colonialism, segregation and injustice.

In that year, the first non-racial democratic elections bestowed leadership on Nelson Mandela, the very deserving and honourable role model of forgiveness, reconciliation and patriotism.

After over three hundred years of hardship, the year 1994 constituted a celebration for the whole free world and all peace-loving countries that did not give up on the resilience and fortitude of the South African people.

After lessons learned from the past, South Africa emerged stronger and more resilient in the face of the 21st Century challenges.

Read: More on South Africa’s Freedom Day Made The Country Stronger By H.E. Ambassador of Qatar in our upcoming New Edition